Grow A Small Business

Focused on helping owners with 5 to 30 team members grow their company to the next level.

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The Grow A Small Business community and content is squarely focused on helping small business owners and leaders grow the business with less stress.

Your business can be anywhere in the world, in any industry. Our teachings are not targeted at one type. Rather, we focus on the pain most small businesses go through during the growth phases. That pain comes from having an unclear vision, a confusing strategy, the wrong people, the team unaligned with the strategy, shit management, no or poor communication and tardy execution.


Our 30 minute weekly podcast (every Monday and Thursday mornings) helps you, a small business owner with 5 to 30 team members, take your company to the next level. The Grow A Small Business community, weekly cast, blog and leadership email supports leaders get through the pain of growth.


We’re here to help you and your team not only grow and scale faster, but with less stress for you, your team and the business.

Each owner and leader of a small business has a different growth goal. Some want to increase sales or profit, others seek a more sustainable business and their time commitment to be less. All these objectives are served by the content in our courses, free weekly blog, podcast and leadership email.

The specific tactics on how your business will grow, like raising investment or activating a golden lead generation machine, are not outlined in our material. We focus on what we believe are the foundations required to grow a great small business.

Weekly Growth Blog

By joining our Weekly Leadership Email you will receive an article on how to grow a small business. To be notified when a new post is live, join our Weekly Leadership Email.




  • a clear vision from the leader / owner (your purpose or ‘why’)
  • the right people (a bus full of ‘A-players’)
  • the right strategy (which the right people help you lock-in, and regularly refine)
  • constant and clear communication (so the team is aligned, engaged and motivated)
  • kick-arse people management (to support engagement in the work that needs to get done, reduce team member turnover and get the most from the power of delegation)
  • excellence in execution (the ‘doing’ of the tactics in each role, each corner)


This content is best suited to existing small businesses who have traded for at least two years.

You have been through some of the pain already and have an insight into what will be needed to get to the next level.

If you are just starting out, leave your details here and we’ll be in touch with relevant content for a start-up business.

We are focused on helping those already trading to grow with minimal stress.


That old saying of ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ resonated with us as we sat down to work out our ‘why’, and who we are here to help.

We had to pick a niche where we could tap our experience and provide the maximum return.


We want to give our all to the community we are here to serve – the owners/leaders/entrepreneurs of small businesses with a team of 5 to 30 people.

The experienced small business owners who contribute to our content know of the pain, exhilaration and stress of growing something from pretty much nothing, to something.



We help everyday small businesses get to that next realistic level. Not 100 times the sales or profit they are at; that is often unachievable.

Our goals are to help you, as the small business owner and leader, to:

  1. be more effective – spend less time working, while the business performs better
  2. be less stressed – we know the hidden secrets of entrepreneurship and small business, the dark times of stress, anxiety and even depression that can be brought on by financial strain or the anguish of managing people, when you have had no or poor management training
  3. be more engaged and love your work – being an awesome leader and the first Kick-arse Manager in the business
  4. add value to your business – not just ongoing annual profits, but ultimately have the business in the best shape for sale, when you are ready to exit.

Our goals for your team are for them to:

  1. be more effective managers – your direct reports, the other managers, should all be Kick-arse in this crucial role
  2. be less stressed – each team member should know what is expected of them and what excellence looks like; with regular, professional communication from the leader of the business and their manager they will feel valued and in control
  3. add more value to the business – by taking more off management’s plate, and systematising the business as much as possible.

The content in our three courses and free weekly blog, podcast and leadership email consolidate decades of learning from our community to help you and your team attain low-stress growth.

From the wonderful books and other resources written around how to grow a business we have distilled those lessons into the right mindsets, habits and tools to adopt in the three levels of a small business: